The War Room

Prayer is a direct line to the Throne of Heaven

Know to whom prayer reaches!

Imagine with me for a moment:

The book of your life gets closed, and you find yourself walking in the garden with you Maker. He pauses for a moment, then gives you a loving but firm nudge and says “You know, You never really comprehended Who or what I AM… in the full scale of your life on Earth… You had faith for so little!”

Let us not be counted among those whose faith and prayer lives seek only that “we may have a good day“ or that “things will be easier for us“. Rather, let us gird up our loins, that God may demand of us, and moreover, that we may answer! (Job 38:3). Let’s band together as men who pray prayers that cause God to slide to the edge of His Throne and say to the elders surrounding Him, “DID YOU HEAR THAT! Did you just hear what he prayed for? He just prayed for the impossible!!!“

Oh God, teach me to pray prayers that impress you!

Countlessly, time after time, I have seen God move mountains in my own life and the lives of others whom I have interceeded for, and of course not only by my own faith alone, but also by those who by reason of anticipated faith, pray with impossible expectations. When people ask me what denomination I assign to, I tell them Un-Orthodoxy! My brand of Christianity is that of Faithful-Defiance! I believe with the very fabric of my soul and spirit, that God pays a keen interest in those who seek to cultivate and forge a relationship with Him that defies the status quo.

As Iron Sharpens Iron

  • Proverbs 27:17

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

  • Romans 12:12

We offer prayer for you

Regardless of what you’re facing, you are not alone. We want to celebrate your victories with you, we want to give you a stable footing to fight from. The Iron Table has a dedicated War Room initiative whereby we will pray and intercede for you and yours.

Just let us know how we can serve you. A hope, a dream, a fear, a conflict or a concern. There is a God in Heaven who sees and knows and has not left nor forgotten you. Of course, it goes without saying, but this is entirely confidential.

Freely we have received, so freely we give.