Disclaimer, Terms, and Conditions

1. Accountability Accelerator:

  • The Accountability Accelerator service is designed to provide accountability to clients. While we guarantee coaching and guidance, the client's success is ultimately their own responsibility. Results from changing habits and establishing new routines may not be immediate, and tangible progress may require active participation over several months.

  • Clients are responsible for scheduling their sessions in advance. If a client needs to reschedule a session, a minimum notice of 24 hours before the scheduled session time is required. Sessions may be rescheduled within this time frame, subject to availability. Missed sessions, no-shows, or sessions rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Our goal is to provide valuable and effective services to every client. We are committed to seeing you reach your goals and keep the promises you’ve made to yourself and to the people in your life.

2. Challenges:

  • Our challenges, including The Kompound X, are short-term focused events that provide clients with specific goals and deadlines. These challenges aim to boost motivation and engagement.

  • Participation Acknowledgment: By enrolling in any challenge offered by The Iron Table, participants acknowledge that these challenges are designed for personal development and self-improvement purposes. While we aim to provide motivation and support, individual results may vary, and success is contingent upon the participant's commitment and effort.

  • Completion Responsibility: Participants are responsible for successfully completing the challenge. The Iron Table provides guidance, resources, and motivational content during the challenge, but the ultimate outcome depends on the participant's dedication to the program.

  • Code of Conduct: Participants are expected to maintain a respectful and supportive demeanour towards fellow participants and challenge facilitators. Disruptive behaviour or failure to comply with the established code of conduct may result in expulsion from the challenge.

  • Challenge Duration: Kompound X is designed for a 30-day period, during which participants will focus on habit formation and personal development.

  • Commitment and Accountability: Participants are expected to fully commit to the challenge and actively engage with the daily activities and routines. The Iron Table will provide support, resources, and guidance throughout the challenge.

  • Refund Policy: Fees paid for Kompound X are non-refundable once a participant enrols. This policy applies regardless of the completion status of the challenge.

  • Challenge Materials: Participants will receive challenge materials, resources, and guidelines from The Iron Table. These materials are for personal use and should not be shared without permission.

  • Success and Results: Individual results may vary, and successful habit formation may take time beyond the challenge's duration. Participants are encouraged to maintain accountability and commitment to achieve their long-term goals.

3. The Inner Table:

  • The Inner Table is an exclusive community of men dedicated to becoming high-value individuals and pillars in their communities. An annual paid membership allows men to pursue their higher contributions collectively. Members support, hold each other accountable and build stronger connections.

  • Membership Benefits: The Inner Table is an exclusive annual membership program for men seeking personal development and community support. Membership includes access to resources, events, and a supportive community.

  • Membership Duration: The Inner Table membership is valid for one year from the date of enrollment. Members will be notified when their membership renewal is due.

  • Payment and Renewal: Memberships are automatically renewed annually unless cancelled. Members will be informed of the upcoming renewal, and they may opt to continue or cancel their membership.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: The Inner Table fosters an environment of trust and confidentiality. Members are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow members' discussions and shared experiences.

  • Code of Conduct: Members are required to adhere to a code of conduct that encourages respectful interactions, support, and constructive engagement within the community. Violations of this code may result in the suspension or termination of membership.

4. The Furnace:

  • The Furnace is an exclusive mastermind event designed to push men to their physical, psychological, and emotional limits. It tests their character, and leadership capabilities, and forges their strength. Group discussions and explorations of philosophy and perspective enhance the experience.

  • Participation Agreement: Participants enrolling in The Furnace acknowledge that this is an intensive, exclusive mastermind program designed to push physical, psychological, and emotional limits. Participation is entirely voluntary, and results may vary based on individual commitment.

  • Physical and Emotional Boundaries: Participants must be aware that The Furnace may involve physically demanding activities and emotionally challenging discussions. All activities are designed for personal growth and character development.

  • Member Conduct: Participants are expected to respect and maintain a supportive atmosphere within The Furnace group. Disruptive behaviour, harassment, or any conduct deemed harmful to other members will not be tolerated.

  • Refund and Cancellation Policy: Fees paid for The Furnace are non-refundable once the participant enrols. This is because resources and preparations are allocated for each participant in advance of the program.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Personal stories, experiences, and discussions within The Furnace are expected to remain confidential. Participants are bound by an agreement of trust, and any breach of this trust may result in expulsion.

5. The War Room:

  • The War Room offers a free prayer service. As a man of faith in Jesus, we provide this as a free offering. Individuals can submit prayer requests, and we commit to interceding on their behalf. If necessary, we may reach out to discuss their situation further.

  • Prayer Request Submission: The War Room is a free prayer offering where individuals can submit their prayer requests. While The Iron Table will make every effort to intercede, submission of a prayer request does not guarantee a specific outcome.

  • Confidentiality: The Iron Table respects the privacy and confidentiality of all prayer requests. Personal information shared in prayer requests will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

  • Response and Follow-Up: Depending on the nature of the prayer request, The Iron Table may contact the requester for further clarification or discussion. However, this will only be done if deemed appropriate or necessary.

  • Prayer Intention: The primary intention of The War Room is to offer spiritual support through prayer. Participants should not consider this offering as a replacement for professional counselling, advice, or intervention in cases of medical, legal, or other critical issues.

  • Any and all personal data and contact information submitted in The War Room stays in The War Room. You will never receive newsletters, or promotional emails in relation to other paid services or products by The Iron Table. If you desire to be on our mailing list please submit your email additionally in the appropriate form.

6. Individual Results:

  • Results for all our services and products are individual and based solely on each person's active participation and involvement. No specific results are guaranteed. We may deny further access to clients based on their lack of respect, commitment, or activity.

  • Results Not Guaranteed: Clients acknowledge and understand that results from any coaching, service, or program are not guaranteed. Success in achieving individual goals is based on the client's active participation, commitment, and dedication to the program.

  • Personal Responsibility: Clients accept full responsibility for their progress and results. The Iron Table is committed to providing guidance, support, resources and coaching, but it is the client's responsibility to implement strategies and recommendations and actively engage in the process of change.

  • Commitment and Effort: Clients must commit to actively participating in the coaching or service and must make a dedicated effort to achieve their desired outcomes. Progress is dependent on the client's willingness to follow recommendations and make necessary changes. Come prepared to win!

  • Confidentiality: The Iron Table is committed to maintaining client confidentiality. Personal information shared during coaching sessions will be kept confidential unless there is a legal obligation to disclose such information.

  • Accountability Partnership: Clients participating in The Iron Table's accountability programs understand that these programs are designed to provide support and motivation. Accountability partners will work collaboratively, but the ultimate responsibility for achieving goals remains with the client.

  • Progress Tracking: Clients agree to actively track and share their progress with their accountability partners. The partners will provide support, encouragement, and feedback, but the client is responsible for making and documenting progress.

  • Participation and Engagement: Clients are responsible for engaging actively with their accountability partners and for actively working toward their goals. Failure to participate or engage may lead to termination of the accountability partnership.

  • Habit Formation Process: Clients enrolling in habit development services understand that forming new habits is a gradual process. Results may not be immediate, and it may take several months of consistent effort to see tangible results.

  • Client Commitment: Clients acknowledge that the development of new habits requires their commitment and effort. The Iron Table will provide guidance and support, but it is the client's responsibility to implement and practice the habits.

  • Evaluation and Adaptation: The Iron Table will assist clients in assessing their progress and adapting strategies when necessary. However, clients must actively participate in the evaluation process to achieve desired outcomes.

7. Service Commitment:

  • Our Commitment to Your Success:

    At The Iron Table, our commitment to your success is unwavering. We guarantee to provide you with coaching and guidance that aligns with your unique goals and aspirations. We believe in personalized support, which means tailoring our approach to suit your needs. While we provide the coaching and tools, your success remains your responsibility. It's essential to understand that habits don't change overnight, and real progress may require several months of dedicated effort. Our commitment is to support and guide you every step of the way, but the determination to change and establish new routines ultimately rests with you.

  • Tangible Results and Accountability:

    We are dedicated to delivering everything we promise with integrity and honour. Part of our ethos is going above and beyond, under-promising, and over-delivering whenever possible. This commitment to excellence extends to our approach to clients. Each client is expected to complete a form that outlines both our expectations of them for the specific service and their expectations from us. We review these expectations together to ensure clarity and alignment. In cases where there are disagreements that can't be resolved, we reserve the right to deny service. Our commitment is to create a collaborative, results-oriented environment where success is achievable and rewarding.

  • Your Success, Your Responsibility:

    At The Iron Table, we emphasize that each individual's success is solely their responsibility. To succeed, you must actively participate, do the work, and show up for your sessions. Our role is to support, guide, and help you maintain focus, but the true work lies in your hands. It's a journey of personal development, and the effort you put in directly correlates with the outcomes you'll achieve. We're here to be your accountability partner and facilitate your growth. But it's essential to recognize that the dedication and commitment you bring to the process will be the driving force behind your success.

The Iron Table's dedication to helping clients achieve their goals and provide clarity on the commitment expected from both parties. The Iron Table is committed to delivering valuable coaching and support, but it's essential to understand that ultimate success is a collaborative effort between the coach and the client.

8. Credentials:

  • The Iron Table is backed by credentials from Transformation Academy in Professional Life Coaching, Workshop Facilitation, R.E.B.T, and N.L.P.

  • At The Iron Table, we understand the unique challenges and experiences life can present. Padraig brings to the table not only professional credentials but also a lifetime of diverse experiences.

  • The Iron Table is more than just life coaching; it's a platform founded on a rich tapestry of business experiences. Before embarking on his career in coaching, Padraig had ventures in music, film and video production, woodworking, product design, and graphic design. His journey through these diverse sectors has not only equipped him with an array of business skills but has also fostered a deep understanding of the challenges individuals face when navigating their own career paths. His experience in running successful businesses, like Ríocht Design, underscores his commitment to guiding others on their unique entrepreneurial journeys.

  • At The Iron Table, we firmly believe in the pursuit of knowledge as an ongoing journey. Padraig's credentials include professional certifications from the Transformation Academy in areas such as Life Coaching, Workshop Facilitation, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (R.E.B.T.), and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). These certifications exemplify our commitment to staying at the forefront of personal development and coaching techniques. However, what truly sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to lifelong learning. We continually seek to expand our knowledge and skills, ensuring that clients receive the most up-to-date and effective guidance to reach their full potential. The journey of learning is one we embark on together with our clients, forging a path toward growth and personal transformation.

9. Coaching is Not a Replacement:

  • Coaching as a Complementary Path:

    At The Iron Table, we want to emphasize that coaching is not a replacement for therapy or counselling. Coaching is a distinct avenue for personal development, one that focuses on mindset and personal philosophy shifting. Our approach is geared towards helping individuals realize their life potential, build self-awareness, and set new goals. We strongly encourage those facing specific psychological or emotional challenges to seek the expertise of a qualified therapist or counsellor. Coaching and therapy can coexist harmoniously to provide a holistic approach to well-being.

  • Coaching as a Supportive Framework:

    We'd like to clarify that coaching is not a medically recognized profession. Instead, coaching serves as a foundational framework for transforming one's mindset and personal philosophy. It's an empowering process that helps individuals gain clarity, focus, and motivation in their lives. However, it's essential to recognize that for specific medical or psychological issues, seeking the help of licensed professionals is crucial. Coaching can be an invaluable support system in addition to other therapeutic or advisory services when used collectively and effectively.

  • Personalized Coaching, Personalized Support:

    The Iron Table wants to make it clear that we are not a financial, health, or legal advisory service. While we may offer advice or strategies, it's important to understand that any suggestions are not substitutes for professional consultation in those particular fields. We believe in personalized support that encompasses multiple facets of life. When dealing with legal, financial, or health matters, it's essential to consult professionals in those specific areas. The Iron Table's coaching services are designed to complement and enhance your life's journey, not replace the expertise needed in distinct domains.

  • Coaching is a valuable and complementary avenue for personal development but should not be seen as a replacement for specific therapeutic, medical, or legal expertise. The Iron Table aims to offer personalized support to help individuals reach their full potential by way of goal setting & achieving and mindset & personal philosophy shifting while acknowledging the necessity for professional guidance in other areas.

11. Client Responsibility:

  • The success of each individual is their sole responsibility. Clients are responsible for active participation and engagement. The Iron Table supports, guides, and focuses on clients but cannot achieve success on their behalf.

  • These "Terms and Conditions" outline the expectations from clients for each service provided by The Iron Table. It is essential for clients to review and agree to these expectations before participating in any of the programs. Specific details and responsibilities may be further outlined in individual service agreements or membership terms.

  • We are committed to delivering everything promised on our product pages with integrity. Clients are required to sign and agree to our expectations for each service, and any disagreements that cannot be resolved may result in non-provision of services.

  • Commitment to Active Participation: Clients enrolling in the Accountability Accelerator are expected to commit to active participation in the coaching process. This includes being punctual for sessions, engaging in the assigned tasks, and communicating honestly about their progress.

  • Communication and Collaboration: Clients are encouraged to maintain open and responsive communication with their coach. Regular feedback and discussions are expected to facilitate the coaching process effectively.

  • Responsibility for Goal Setting: Clients are responsible for setting clear and achievable goals. The coach is committed to helping clients refine these goals, but it is essential for clients to take ownership of their objectives.

  • Active Participation in Challenges: Clients participating in challenges offered by The Iron Table are expected to actively engage in the specified activities. This includes timely completion of assigned tasks and maintaining a high level of participation.

  • Goal Adherence: Clients must adhere to the goals and guidelines outlined for the specific challenge. While The Iron Table provides guidance, clients are expected to commit to achieving their challenge-related objectives.

  • Supportive Participation: The Iron Table fosters a supportive and collaborative environment during challenges. Clients are expected to contribute positively to this atmosphere by encouraging fellow participants and sharing their experiences.

  • Upholding Community Values: Clients joining The Inner Table are expected to uphold the community's values of becoming high-value men and pillars in their communities. This includes a commitment to accountability, support, and the mutual growth of all members.

  • Active Participation and Contribution: Clients are encouraged to actively participate in The Inner Table by contributing to discussions, offering support and guidance to other members, and actively seeking personal growth.

  • Compliance with Annual Membership: Clients with an annual membership to The Inner Table are expected to comply with the terms and conditions specific to the membership plan. This includes annual renewal and adherence to the community's guidelines.

  • The Iron Table does not discriminate against other expressions of faith or religion. We have our faith, you are entitled to yours. We show respect and expect it in return. Any hatred or bigotry behaviour will not be tolerated. All coaching services are provided professionally with a focus on psychology and philosophy. Topics of faith and religion will only be discussed where appropriate, or invited.

12. Data Handling:

Data collected from clients is used for internal diagnosis to enhance our services and communication. We do not sell, trade, or share your data with any third party. The Iron Table's committed to data protection and privacy, assuring clients that their personal information is handled with care and integrity. The Iron Table maintains transparency about data collection and usage while guaranteeing that client data will not be shared with external parties, ensuring a confidential and secure experience.

  • Your Privacy, Our Priority

    At The Iron Table, we prioritize your privacy and take data handling seriously. Any information we collect from you is used exclusively for internal purposes, aimed at improving our services and communication with you. We assure you that your data will never be sold, traded, or shared with third parties. Our commitment to safeguarding your privacy is unwavering, and we adhere to stringent data protection practices to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information.

  • Data Collection and Usage

    We collect data to better serve you and enhance your experience with The Iron Table. The data we collect primarily includes information you provide during sign-up and through forms and correspondence. This data is used for internal diagnosis, allowing us to tailor our services and communications to better meet your needs. Rest assured that your data will not be used for any purposes beyond enhancing our service quality and maintaining effective communication with you.

  • Data Protection and Confidentiality

    Our commitment to protecting your data's confidentiality is unyielding. We understand the importance of securing your personal information, and our practices strictly adhere to the highest standards of data protection. You can trust that your data will be treated with the utmost care and respect. If you have any concerns or questions about data handling and privacy, please feel free to contact us. We are here to address your inquiries and ensure that your privacy remains a top priority throughout your journey with The Iron Table.

13. Refund Policy:

The Iron Table's committed to ensuring clients' satisfaction by offering a 40-day refund policy where applicable. They emphasize the company's dedication to exceeding expectations while maintaining clear guidelines for eligibility and the refund process, ensuring a fair and transparent experience for clients.

  • Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction:

    At The Iron Table, your satisfaction is paramount. We offer a 40-day refund policy for certain services, ensuring that you have ample time to assess whether our offerings align with your needs and expectations. If, within this timeframe, you find that our service isn't suitable for you, we don't believe in keeping your money. We're committed to providing a fair and straightforward refund process to guarantee your satisfaction. Please refer to our specific product or service pages to confirm eligibility for the 40-day refund policy.

  • Honouring Our Refund Commitment;

    We stand by our promise to deliver what we've committed to on our product or service pages. In line with our ethos, we consistently aim to exceed your expectations. Our 40-day refund policy is designed to offer peace of mind to clients who may feel uncertain about their choice. While we aim to over-deliver, we understand that each client's circumstances may vary. If you determine that our service is not the right fit for you, you can initiate a refund request within 40 days of the purchase. The Iron Table is devoted to ensuring our commitment to your satisfaction remains unwavering.

  • Refund Eligibility and Guidelines

    Our 40-day refund policy is applicable to certain services at The Iron Table. To maintain transparency and uphold fair practices, we encourage clients to thoroughly review our refund guidelines and eligibility before initiating a refund request. While we're dedicated to facilitating the process, please note that no-shows to sessions or late arrivals may not be reimbursed for their negligence, in accordance with our terms and conditions. Sessions can be rescheduled up to 24 hours before the scheduled time to provide flexibility and convenience to our clients.

14. Contact Information:

  • Open Communication Channels:

    At The Iron Table, we value open and transparent communication with our clients. We encourage you to reach out to us through our dedicated contact page at www.theirontable.ie. You can also get in touch via our social media channels, all links on the bottom of each web page (including this one. Also, make sure to follow us for regular content). Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to explore how our services can benefit you, our communication channels are always open. We are here to assist you every step of the way.

  • Direct Email Contact:

    For personalized inquiries or specific questions, you can contact us directly via email at padraig@theirontable.ie. We understand that some matters may require a more direct approach, and we are committed to providing a direct line of communication. Feel free to email us with your inquiries, and we will respond promptly to address your needs.

  • Reach Out with Confidence:

    When you need to connect with us, you can do so with confidence. We value your input and queries. We are dedicated to being responsive and addressing your concerns efficiently. Whether you have inquiries about our services, require assistance, or simply want to engage in a meaningful conversation, don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us through our contact page on www.theirontable.ie or via direct email at padraig@theirontable.ie or again via our socials.